SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY feedback from users– architecture is the design discipline with the […] This reminded me when we were talking about DNA sequencing and soon everyone can get a full DNA record of anyone if they have any of their DNA. This artist finds random DNA in different places and is able to recreate peoples faces based on their DNA.
I’m having a hard time narrowing down my interests to decide which to develop further… I was hoping you could point me in the right direction as to which categories are worth further exploration. Here is a list of supplemental ideas since my last posts. Thanks! Brenna Species & processes to study/ emulate/ modify SPECIES: Coral, Bamboo, Willow […]
Visualization of neuron interaction in a fish. Good for time scales. Scale of the universe. More interactive powers of 10. Virtual Particles and Higgs.(Made before the discovery of the Higgs) Virtual Particle, Casmir Effect, and other such. Odd video visualizing interactions of virtual particles. Another odd video […]
The idea of relevance is always in architecture but the aspects of what is relevant at the time changes constantly. Is there a way to design something that will adapt to the people and keep changing with the times to allow the design to never become irrelevant? Most places become abandonded because they served out […]
Thesis – Working Ideas Nature and Nurture “If have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Issac Newton “What Hath God Wrought” Samuel Morse and Annie Ellsworth Numbers 23:23 For the purposes of this argument, let’s assume that man needs a certain amount of nature and nurture in […]
In Solaris, as well as most science fiction, the interior architecture of space ships or interplanetary habitats is usually very cold and unaccommodating. Is this correlated to the negative psychological effects of space travel exhibited in the characters (loneliness, anxiety, paranoia, loss of identity, etc.)? Will a more humanized architecture help ease the transition into unfamiliar habitats? What qualities and methods of design would […]
Pet Architecture- Animals have better instincts such as anticipating danger, finding water and food, etc. How can they be used for architecture, resources, survival- in extreme locations or after extreme disasters? Which species would be useful for resource gathering, and which for post-colonization equilibrium maintenance within the new ecosystem? Dune– “Movement across the landscape is a necessity […]
My focus so far has been on the ideas of how enclosures of different scales came into existence. From the earliest moments in life, enclosure became a main focus. The first self replicators adapted to cell membranes because some self replicators produced toxic oxygen that killed any replicator that couldn’t protect itself. Likewise, “Sparta didn’t […]
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