
Saturday, September 14th, 2013

Really long list of initial ideas

I’m having a hard time narrowing down my interests to decide which to develop further… I was hoping you could point me in the right direction as to which categories are worth further exploration. Here is a list of supplemental ideas since my last posts.
Species & processes to study/ emulate/ modify
SPECIES: Coral, Bamboo, Willow trees, Mangroves
plants-bioluminescence, hydroponics
 Ants/ bees- process, community
Bacteria, germs, Earth worms- producing soil
Agriculture- livestock and crops, vertical farming, urban farming
Pets- develop more function (contribute to ecosystem), tame other animals
PROCESSES:Volcanoes- lava, Petrification, fossilization, Chemical reactions, Clouds/ rain- spread nutrients
More Specific Ideas
Architecture’s symbiotic (or not) relationship with other disciplines
culture analysis- analyze fiction works, predictions, etc. vs. what we have and what is possible now, and in the near future
     – efficient in energy and space yet comfortable
     -adapts to changing needs
     -mass-produced yet customizable, adaptable to specific context
     -multipurpose, generic to start and easily customizable to any needs
     EVOLVING: house that evolves alongside its occupants and their changing finances/ needs- build in stages
     rooms- optimized for their activities ex bedroom dark at night and sun wakes you up in the morning
      technology for everyday life, constant software upgrades (open source?)
expandable/ collapsible, mobile
walls change color based on time of day- whether you need to be energized or relaxed etc
evolution/ bio/ biological arch
stages of life, quickly evolving
life cycle of a building- designing for impermanence or adaptability
how architecture can integrate and/or emulate plants/ animals
taking advantage of naturally occurring chemical reactions
redefining vitruvian man based on modern humans and needs
using architecture/ environment to influence human/ species evolution
 occupants’ health
evolution of architecture, feedback loops, constantly adapting, “natural” selection
     dna coding/ DNA programmed assembly, modified by sensors in environment
     completely ephemeral, responding to time of day, weather, season, resources, etc.
using environment as a mold/ template to manipulate growth within it
self replicators
biodiversity of architecture/ taxonomy
Evolution of Consciousness? at some point in evolution humans had to develop our consciousness, and machines are evolving much faster than humans did.- Erewhon
expanding #/ type of orifices and therefore senses/ dimensions perceived- interactions between species and reality, perception of dimensions based on senses perceived based on types  and strengths/ sizes of orifices
     modifications to/for humans or other species to increase efficiency and decrease needs
          ways to sleep less, eat less, increase brain function, etc.
our protected lives, moving from “envelope” to “envelope” and never breaching the “Great Outside”-Latour
      sheltering ourselves from our environment rather than thriving in it.
“taming” the wild and mingling
efficiency of symmetry of nature vs. asymmetry in architecture
DECOMPOSERS/BACTERIA (superpowered composting)
Bacteria that feed on waste and excrete building material or soil, etc

      and/or to decompose fallen leaves

Die out when they run out of food
When they die the chemical process hardens the structure made
      OR produces nutrients for a new species to grow
      OR After they run out of food, they start eating each other/ growing and evolving into another stage of life and perform new task
bacteria that decomposes trash into a material which becomes an envelope
     composition of material varies by input of trash
eat pollution and produce clean O2
Bacteria that strengthen and change existing structures chemically
ecosystems/ networks
biospheres- for varying inhospitable sites ex. desert, ocean, deforestation sites, planets …
…Planetology/ Space
     colonizing mars
     spaceship/ space station architecture
     artificial and natural becoming integrated
how can architectural evolution keep up with technological evolution– currently very disassociated growth rates
          EFFICIENT & BENEFICIAL integration of technology in architecture- encourage/ motivate
                as our society’s technology has evolved, the efficiency of our buildings has declined due to the ability of technology to artificially create ideal conditions
making technology less threatening to people (less dehumanizing)
     man would become extinct without machines since they have become such an integral part of our life and have been performing tasks for us for so long that we have forgotten how to do them ourselves.
aesthetic technology ex Corb’s Pompidou Center- provides surfaces for interaction of art and nature, honesty and exposure of materials and technology
dominance of technology in social interactions, increasingly less face-to-face interaction
“culture” shock- how to open up the human population’s minds gradually to progress to the possibilities of the future
perception, consciousness/ awareness
happiness, motivation- gamification? (that article on the Sims!)
     consumer economy & greed v community, social, teamwork,
effect of time & environment on evolution of mind
     we have become inattentive and unaware of our environments, focusing on our consumer greed and staring at our smart phones, increasingly reliant on technology
future on earth
     space saving: efficiency, vertical expansion, building on oceans
     agriculture- vertical farms
Inhospitable sites: uncivilized/ isolated, destroyed ex. by deforestation, “uninhabitable”
urban density
education, specification
gap in economic classes, Spreading wealth- tourism
     Help poor/ oppressed, provide opportunity
social ambition/ impact
feedback from users- architecture is the design discipline with the most impact on humans yet uses the least (if any) prototypes, test subjects, feedback, modifications, etc.
     technology/ 3d modeling used for prototyping and simulating
 open source architecture
Smart skins- shells w/ operative feedbacks and exchange with their environments
modules- self organizing, constructing, maintaining, assembling, repairing, restructuring, replicating
organization, layout, efficiency
     home, community
user- friendly:  biotech, home energy management system,
architecture that changes at critical points like the phase changes of matter solid, liquid, and gas changing at certain temps
     fire, impact, earthquake
     insulation/ envelope material that changes in reaction to the environment, storing energy from phase changes

 past: expanding,

present: information networks, social/ public, awareness, open source
future: innovation and projects/ developments, space, data extrapolation, predictions, ways to affect/change the future, guests can impact the building, provide input/ voice their desires

     each with own relevant gift shop

     building constantly growing and changing as the past becomes present, present becomes future
     fun museum to encourage learning, constantly changing to encourage coming back
     free access- sponsorship funding?
housing complex/ community/ utopia/ city
DSR high rise
public space (or entire community) designed/ influenced by the public
passive systems
solar power
Photo electric relay (delay)- charge during day, light at night
affordability/ cost efficiency
on-site production/ resource mining
self-assembly based on code and exterior environment and interior needs
mass production
      “mass production” of modules but infinite possibilities of combinations
automatic/ sensors and regulators
repurposing/ recycling- abandoned buildings/ projects 
     “things are never created but rather carefully and modestly redesigned.”- Latour
     what exactly needs to be changed for the purpose to change
material like concrete that eats its formwork after hardening
material that strengthens itself in response to external forces/ loads

reflections/ mirrors, shadows, lights
-AIO stability regulator: creates optimal interior contiditions (o2, air purification, light, temp, provides energy, etc)- plant?
     building block modules with enclosed units- like things inside bubbles which join to make enclosures
-social classes
-animals or robots– resource gathering, ecosystem forming
     -making, farming, building, producing, 
     -recycling, repurposing, decomposing
      –repairing, cleaning, filtering
     -protecting, enclosing, regulating, sheltering
      -monitoring, sensing,
     -moving, delivering, flushing, permeating
     -hydrating, chilling, warming
     -shading, ventilating, insulating
     -growing, expanding, adding
humans: innovating, thinking, planning, designing, theorizing

Friday, September 13th, 2013

DNA Technology


This reminded me when we were talking about DNA sequencing and soon everyone can get a full DNA record of anyone if they have any of their DNA. This artist finds random DNA in different places and is able to recreate peoples faces based on their DNA.

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

Sciency Stuff.(updated1)

Visualization of neuron interaction in a fish.


Good for time scales.



Scale of the universe. More interactive powers of 10.


Virtual Particles and Higgs.(Made before the discovery of the Higgs)


Virtual Particle, Casmir Effect, and other such.


Odd video visualizing interactions of virtual particles.


Another odd video visualizing interactions of Higgs.


Quantum Computing. Because, why not?


Coastline Paradox and Fractals.


Turning a sphere inside out without cutting it.


Robot with a mouse brain


And a illy thing. Vacuum and the human body.



For animations, there’s a good program called Source Film Maker:



And if you’re interested in simulation data for it, here are some good programs to take a look at:

Clad Diagrams and evolution.

Minimalist dynamic structure simulation.

Human Populations and such

Universe visualization and scale. Addons increase functionality tenfold.


A few good short student projects for inspiration:


Friday, September 6th, 2013

Ecosystem Human Conjugation

Man’s technology has allowed us to operate more efficiently, but we have always needed protection from the elements that make us fragile.  We are able to live in climates that we are not particularly biologically adapted to live in.  In the Things, it states that we were could not again change our biology to live, a cold weather climate.  Man has developed architecture to inhabit, we still generally have everything we need in environments that are inclined to growing the things we want from them.  How could we start to build environments that would fulfill a more complete system of man’s natural processes, either for space travel, or for colonization when we arrive at our desired location?


Friday, September 6th, 2013

God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs. Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth.

Jurrasic Park

The Things, The Island, Code 46 all touched on the idea of free will in different forms.  In every sense we are confronted with the idea of the individual and his or her tension with an outside force.  In each example there is at least an initial lack of understanding between the oppressive force and the free force.   In The Things, the thing only wants to help the humans into a communal nature that will allow it to have a better understanding of life.  The Chimp in The Island is only trying to see the proper fulfillment of the mission which is opposed by the seemingly irrational nature of the Mother, to carry on life.  It seems that the human grasp has extended past its sight.  How do we create a system where we will not be at odds with the system that is trying to allow us to survive.  How can we bring this system where there is a healthy connection between man and machine.  1249227623aliens-bishop ash_head



Friday, September 6th, 2013

Arresting Evolution

Arresting Evolution


“Scientific Modern man has become aware of his own evolution.” Julian Huxley.

After doing some research on this man, I quickly realized that it is possible to agree with a statement and not the philosophy of the person who was making it.  Julian Huxley was an evolutionary biologist and also a eugenicist who was a large proponent of natural selection.  He was unfortunately part of a contingent that believed in the controlling gene existence.  While the question of naturalness is still very much up to debate, I know I do believe in the freedom of man and that belief is indubitably in conflict with any discussion of controlled gene pools.  At first glance at this quote I thought it reflected the fact that we have developed a connection with our ancestors through anthropological and biological research.  We have started to understand our history in terms of a science.  We affored this because of the technology that we use.  We are the only species in the world that can be defined by the technology that it creates without specialized biology.    For the purpose of this argument I would like to describe man’s evolution in terms of the technology that is created.  Of course this evolution does not appear to be as persistent -Meaning, if a person is born independent of culture, that person will not be able to use the knowledge of the ancestors past  – but is more rapid.  It was the evolution of a complex language center, and thumbs that are probably the most two significant evolutions to the human species.  Since those evolutions, one would be hard pressed to pinpoint a biological evolutionary feature that would classify a human more evolutionary evolved than the man of that evolution.  It would be much more productive for this argument to define our evolution as technological.  The question then becomes, what happens after the singularity of mans evolution?  There will be a moment when we can start to use our technology to better organize data about our relationship with our environment and the relationship our population.  The technology we develop will become essential not to the luxury of our species but to the extended harmonic survival of our species with our environment.   We start to see the idea of a dispersed nervous system in the emergence reading.  How would we start to build a truly democratic system that would allow us to harmonize

.gameoflife1 gameoflife2


The images above visualize game of life algorithms which visualize organizations based on rules and starting parameters.  After a few life cycles distinct organizations start to develop.

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