In order to enter into the design of the behavior of the orbital colony, I’m doing diagrammatic research on the smallest scale of intervention, the human scaffold. The following diagrams view the body as a set of interrelating networks. I am analyzing the health problems connected with extended spaceflight in terms of the body network, and viewing a solution as a supplement to that network.
This network intervention will eventually be double ended, on one end it will interface with the body network to make it viable for space live, and on the other end, it would form a nutritional and political interface with the supply and social networks aboard the orbit ship (a population of around 100-150 people). This second dimension of this smallest interface is yet to be designed, and would be designed based on the needs of the human end.
This investigation of the body and its needs will eventually go on to educate the decision making habits of the orbitships as units within their mezzo-scale swarm network.
This analysis of the body reveals a network of quality, rather than quantity. Relatively static connections change in emphasis, rather than reconnect. The scaffold intervention would be a supplemetary control mechanism that would adjust qualities of connections to ensure health in space.
This is a diagram in progress, and hasn’t been fully produced yet. Below is a pullout diagram of several body network systems, and a hand annotation of unhealthy regions when affected by microgravity.