Link to film for class:
Link to film for class:
[The thing about I is, it only exists within a tenth-of-a-second of all its parts…when the neural architecture diffuses past some critical point and signals take just that much longer to pass from A to B— the system, well, decoheres…I shatters into we. It’s not just a human rule, or a mammal rule, or even […]
Every species is in a state of constant evolution. Humans are an interesting species as we evolve not just physically but also technologically. We live in symbiosis with countless other species and cells yet we have never tried to communicate through them. A New language could be established through architecture. The bottom bread spends his […]
kenny –
Artificial and natural in the past have been seen as mortal enemies of each other. Always competing with each other for existence, until recently. Artificiality as reached a stage of complexion which has allowed it to finally learn from and copy natural design, and surpass it. Blurring the lines, raising moral question, creating grey areas […]
We are living on a different planet than that of our ancestors because we are able to alter the world in more significant ways than they ever could- they re-acted to geologic events, we can enact geologic events. As is written in the beginning of Making the Geologic Now, “These [geologic] are forces to be […]
This is what we know — We have transformed roughly 3/4 of Earth’s land that is not covered in ice. Our use of fossil fuels has acidified the oceans and dramatically raised temperatures. We have influenced entire species of flora and fauna, often causing extinction. Humans presently influence over 50% of the planet’s river systems […]
“We may die rich, we may die poor. But we certainly shall not die of boredom.” (Prince Roy Bates, of the Principality of Sealand) When the Bates family took over the WWII anti-aircraft platform called Roughs Tower in the 1960s it was still outside of the British territorial waters. Since its conception, both sides […]
What do organisms do, are they restricted to completing tasks or can they just coexist. What possibilities are opened by looking at effects as organisms. A wave traveling along the ocean is a group of molecules that are interacting and spreading their influence as they go. Any action on the earth is an organism of […]
One of the very first pages of the Geologic Now PDF has a string of phrases across the page. One reads “Design for an Infinite Quarantine”. In the context of the readings, I realized that we are the infectious disease and it is the earth that needs to be protected. Over the time humans have […]
The imagery of Miyazaki’s film was really creative and inspiring–especially the depictions of the forest species both fauna and flora in the Toxic Jungle. A couple of things regarding the forest I thought was interesting–the first being its flourishing presence in a toxic environment and the second being how the human characters reacted to […]
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