Visualization of neuron interaction in a fish. Good for time scales. Scale of the universe. More interactive powers of 10. Virtual Particles and Higgs.(Made before the discovery of the Higgs) Virtual Particle, Casmir Effect, and other such. Odd video visualizing interactions of virtual particles. Another odd video […]
My focus so far has been on the ideas of how enclosures of different scales came into existence. From the earliest moments in life, enclosure became a main focus. The first self replicators adapted to cell membranes because some self replicators produced toxic oxygen that killed any replicator that couldn’t protect itself. Likewise, “Sparta didn’t […]
Final Project Ideas Video: Currently there are security devices (that look similar to metal detectors) that blow puffs of air onto a person in order to knock off small amounts of dust, then vacuum the dust that was knocked off and run a chemical trace to see if it contains explosive or narcotic chemical […]
Thesis – Working Ideas Nature and Nurture “If have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Issac Newton “What Hath God Wrought” Samuel Morse and Annie Ellsworth Numbers 23:23 For the purposes of this argument, let’s assume that man needs a certain amount of nature and nurture in […]
Diagrams: evolution of: specific buildings, typologies, specific architects’ work, evolutionary arch itself, arch styles/ movements, arch as a whole, The Evolution of Designs- Steadman Preface Organic metaphor in architecture: Aristotle, Alberti- concinnitas Ernst Haeckel influence on jugendstil And art nouveau 19th c embryology and criminology to Adolf loos ornament and crime 20th c German school […]
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Man’s technology has allowed us to operate more efficiently, but we have always needed protection from the elements that make us fragile. We are able to live in climates that we are not particularly biologically adapted to live in. In the Things, it states that we were could not again change our biology to live, […]
Note: I’m using the term “code” for current lack of better term- I’m not limiting the architectural system to code scripting yet. I’m using “code” to refer to the developmental rules in the system, like genetic code to an organism. I may refer to a conceptual connection between biological and architectural as an “analogy” or […]
The idea of relevance is always in architecture but the aspects of what is relevant at the time changes constantly. Is there a way to design something that will adapt to the people and keep changing with the times to allow the design to never become irrelevant? Most places become abandonded because they served out […]
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