kenny –
Artificial and natural in the past have been seen as mortal enemies of each other. Always competing with each other for existence, until recently. Artificiality as reached a stage of complexion which has allowed it to finally learn from and copy natural design, and surpass it. Blurring the lines, raising moral question, creating grey areas […]
Overtime humanity has alerted the landscape to better fit their needs, to provide shelter, and comfort from the elements. Over time these structures evolved, and so did their building material point to the point that they began to dominate the natural landscape. Recently though, architecture has to tried to reconnect with the natural landscape, using […]
We are living on a different planet than that of our ancestors because we are able to alter the world in more significant ways than they ever could- they re-acted to geologic events, we can enact geologic events. As is written in the beginning of Making the Geologic Now, “These [geologic] are forces to be […]
kenny –
[“at the onset of a process of self-organization…the mechanisms become extremely sensitive to minor fluctuations in the environment…”naturally selecting” one assembly pattern over another” -Manuel DeLanda, Nonorganic Life ] Many of our networks can be described as “alive” because, while they are not made of biological tissue, they have become so complex, that the […]
“The more you can change, the more you can adapt. Adaptation is fitness, adaptation is survival. It’s deeper than intelligence, deeper than tissue; it is cellular, it is axiomatic.” The Thing, Peter Watts There have been many assumptions about what the future has in store for us and how to plan for such situations. However, […]
One of the very first pages of the Geologic Now PDF has a string of phrases across the page. One reads “Design for an Infinite Quarantine”. In the context of the readings, I realized that we are the infectious disease and it is the earth that needs to be protected. Over the time humans have […]
What do organisms do, are they restricted to completing tasks or can they just coexist. What possibilities are opened by looking at effects as organisms. A wave traveling along the ocean is a group of molecules that are interacting and spreading their influence as they go. Any action on the earth is an organism of […]
A constant in history is the displacement and the movement of populations across the planet. Whether it is because of famine, drought, war, disease, and even environment disasters, humans have been traversing the face of the planet since the beginning. Most recently because of civil warfare in Syria that began in March 2011 the number […]
Introducing a stockpile into a void creates a closed system. Where there was nothing now stands a set of entities, possibly simple or symbiotic that can survive from that resource and others use of that resource. Depending on the complexity of the stockpile different simple forms of life can procreate. These allow for a large […]
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