Storage Systems

The earth is in constant reconstruction. Organisms constantly collect and stockpile resources. Naturally waves, wind, even the moving earth are all effects that are prone to organize and move resources. Almost every action has an effect of stockpiling. By this definition all actions can be looked at as an organism. Biologically by consuming, certain elements are kept while others are condensed and discarded. This action is a form of grouping, redistribution.

There are many types of energies; kinetic, potential, chemical, and biological. These energies can be stored in a variety of different ways. Often in our lives we look for ways to compress, for efficient storing. This is a static form of storage, a simple stockpile. The effect of creating stockpiles also implies there to be a void left behind. This void, free space prompts a larger architectural question as to what is to fill in the void. Dispersed storage allows for a different type of interaction. The system for storing energy is permeable, able to be used by multiple parties.


Efficiencies for each type of consideration must be taken into account. Loss of energy as it changes forms and spreads to a different system. Sometimes reversible but also can be non-reversible. Is the storage system accumulating or decreasing? Is there a demand for the item in storage and how fast can it be consumed. A combustibility of sorts.



“excess and squander doesn’t begin until growth slows or stops.”


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