Effects As Organisms

What do organisms do, are they restricted to completing tasks or can they just coexist. What possibilities are opened by looking at effects as organisms. A wave traveling along the ocean is a group of molecules that are interacting and spreading their influence as they go. Any action on the earth is an organism of a sense; some die young while others keep interacting for elongated periods of time.
How far can the planet be terraformed? Can organisms be created for our own purposes? Architecture can be the force that does this. Architecture can create effects on the landscape surrounding itself; maybe as a method of self-cooling or to create energy to support itself. The island creates waves around itself that break on the surrounding rocks drawing larger fish to eat the confused baitfish. The “green” trend has been working on making buildings that don’t have any negative effects on the environment. Why not create architecture that HAS possibly large effects on the known environment.

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