Digital Wall

There is no argument that the world is getting smaller with technological advancement such as the wheel, the boat, and internet.  One has no choice but to surrender to the idea that they are a part of this invisible network, whether they like it or not.  Today, globally the main form of exports is information.

Entangling itself into the inner workings of society, we have no choice but to except the influence information and that we are all naked.  Even politicians feel the backlash, as their once private lives are now public, and open to judgment.  Many politicians, such as Clinton and Weiner, have had their careers ended because of their private life being exposed.  Should they be held accountable for their actions if they don’t affect their job?  Should we judge people based off their character instead of their performance?  The argument can go either way, but there is one thing you can be sure of, whatever you do, the system will catch you.

People spend more more time interacting with people over the internet then in person, creating this wall.  The internet as made anyone all knowing, allowing us to access information from anywhere and anyone.  Arguments are no longer a debated, theories are no longer questioned, they are now simply googled.

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