Outside this context, how can architecture be used to benefit a human’s psychological state?
Astronauts perform resistance exercises to prepare their skeletons for the change in gravity in space. Can architecture also act as a transitory preparation for people before, during, and after their travels?
Can architecture apply this concept to prepare humans for other aspects of the future, ex. to unfamiliar concepts, changes in climate, changes in culture, etc.? Can culture (or any kind of) shock be reduced by architecture meant to open up the human population’s minds gradually to progress to the possibilities of the future?
What are the varying consequences of the future to species/ individuals with different perspectives? How can we mediate their disagreements to build a better future for everyone (everything, really)?
As illustrated in The Island, The Things and many works of Sci Fi, humans are a very ignorant species. Much of our potential is lost due to our constant failure to communicate and keep an open mind. How can architecture work to encourage socialization and collaboration? Can it help break through peoples’ biases in order to build a healthy network of communications? Are humans capable of a higher level or form of communications possessed by many animals that we consider to be beneath us?
How can architecture unwind human ignorance and keep people grounded, focused, aware, educated, collaborative, empathetic and motivated?
Dune– “To the working planetologist, his most important tool is human beings, “his father said. “You must cultivate ecological… literacy among the people.” How can we effectively educate and encourage people to contribute positively to the ecological development of their environments? Can the same kind of knowledge and open- source development be cultivated in the architectural discipline?
Can the modern-day concept of gamification be used as a psychological motivaton for people to contribute? What are the architectural implications of such a system?