
One of the very first pages of the Geologic Now PDF has a string of phrases across the page. One reads “Design for an Infinite Quarantine”. In the context of the readings, I realized that we are the infectious disease and it is the earth that needs to be protected.

Over the time humans have been a species on earth our impact has greatly effected the geological and ecological structure of this planet. In the reading they call out that humans are both vulnerable to the geologic and agents of planetary change.  Earth is reacting to our presence–glaciers are melting, the ozone is thinning. Earth is continuing its routine–volcanoes erupt, tectonic plates crash together. We are changing the shape of the earth. We use landfill to extend area to build on and join islands.

As society and the existence of humans continues, we will adjust our culture to respond to these new geologic conditions. Perhaps, because of the raise of the ocean levels humans will become more adapted to living in water (architecturally or biologically).




1. Architectural Reaction




2. Biological reaction


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