Visualization of neuron interaction in a fish. Good for time scales. Scale of the universe. More interactive powers of 10. Virtual Particles and Higgs.(Made before the discovery of the Higgs) Virtual Particle, Casmir Effect, and other such. Odd video visualizing interactions of virtual particles. Another odd video […]
My focus so far has been on the ideas of how enclosures of different scales came into existence. From the earliest moments in life, enclosure became a main focus. The first self replicators adapted to cell membranes because some self replicators produced toxic oxygen that killed any replicator that couldn’t protect itself. Likewise, “Sparta didn’t […]
Short Film link I’ve been looking at how the way the brain manages the body, information, and the world as a primary example of how the human species might begin to operate on a planetary scale. At the same time I’ve been looking at similar structures at the molecular scale with Virtual particles and […]
Anthropic Macrostructures “The pattern of human population growth in the twentieth century was more bacterial than primate,” -Geologic Now “Wilson calculates that human biomass is already 100 times larger than that of any other large animal species that has ever walked the Earth.” -Geologic Now ‘30% of jungle biomass is ants’ -Emergence, Johnson “Ignorance is […]